Library Computer 
This is the player facing machine that handles all library functions
This holds all procs for handling book checkins/checkout, book fines, book obj creation/modification the object also holds static lists for book inventory and checkouts. NO SQL CALLS OR QUERIES ARE MADE HERE, all of those are handled by the global library catalog that we will reference, and it should stay that way :)
Vars | |
archive_page_num | Page Number for going through player book archives |
cached_booklist | This list temporarily stores the player books we grab from the DB in datums, we only update it when we need to for performance reasons |
checkoutperiod | How Long a book is allowed to be checked out for |
checkouts | Static List of borrowbook datums, used to track book checkouts acrossed the library system |
inventory | Static List of book datums to track what books the librarian has added to the library inventory |
num_pages | Total number of pages for the parameters have set for our booklist |
print_cooldown | Wait period for printing books |
selected_report | report category_id we have selected |
total_books | total inventoried books, used for setting book library IDs |
user_data | list for storing player inputs and selections, helpful for cutting down on single variable declarations |
Procs | |
getmaxpages | Returns the amount of pages we will need to hold all the book our DB has found |
Var Details
Page Number for going through player book archives
This list temporarily stores the player books we grab from the DB in datums, we only update it when we need to for performance reasons
How Long a book is allowed to be checked out for
Static List of borrowbook datums, used to track book checkouts acrossed the library system
Static List of book datums to track what books the librarian has added to the library inventory
Total number of pages for the parameters have set for our booklist
Wait period for printing books
report category_id we have selected
total inventoried books, used for setting book library IDs
list for storing player inputs and selections, helpful for cutting down on single variable declarations
Proc Details
Returns the amount of pages we will need to hold all the book our DB has found