Vars | |
active | No sales pitches if off |
ads_list | Unimplemented list of ads that are meant to show up somewhere, but don't. |
aggressive | If the vendor should tip on anyone who walks by. Mainly used for brand intelligence |
aggressive_slogan_delay | How often slogans will be used by vendors if they're aggressive. |
aggressive_tilt_chance | How often will the vendor tip when you walk by it when aggressive is true? |
always_deconstruct | Should we always be able to deconstruct this into components, even if it has no refill_canister? |
category | The category of this vendor. Used for announcing brand intelligence. |
crit_damage_factor | Factor of extra damage to deal when triggering a crit |
emagged | Allows people to access a vendor that's normally access restricted. |
extended_inventory | can we access the hidden inventory? |
flickering | blocks further flickering while true |
force_no_power_icon_state | do I look unpowered, even when powered? |
hit_warning_cooldown_length | How long to wait before resetting the warning cooldown |
icon_addon | Icon to be an overlay over the base sprite |
icon_broken | Icon for the broken overlay, defaults to icon_state + _broken |
icon_deny | Icon_state when denying access |
icon_lightmask | Icon for the lightmask, defaults to icon_state + _off, _lightmask if one is defined. |
icon_off | Icon for the off overlay, defaults to icon_state + _off |
icon_panel | Icon for the panel overlay, defaults to icon_state + _panel |
icon_vend | Icon_state when vending |
inserted_item | the actual item inserted |
item_slot | boolean, whether this vending machine can accept people inserting items into it, used for coffee vendors |
last_hit_time | Last time the machine was punched |
num_shards | number of shards to apply when a crit embeds |
scan_id | If true, enforce access checks on customers. Disabled by messing with wires. |
seconds_electrified | Shocks people like an airlock |
self_knockover_factor | Factor of extra damage to deal when you knock it over onto yourself |
shoot_chance | How often are we firing the items? (prob(...)) |
shoot_inventory | Fire items at customers! We're broken! |
shoot_speed | How hard are we firing the items? |
shut_up | If true, prevent saying sales pitches |
slogan_list | List of slogans the vendor will say, optional |
squish_damage | Amount of damage to deal when tipped |
tiltable | If this vending machine can be tipped or not |
tilted | If this vendor is currently tipped |
vend_delay | How long vendor takes to vend one item. |
vend_ready | If off, vendor is busy and unusable until current action finishes |
Procs | |
build_inventory | Build src.produdct_records from the products lists |
refill_inventory | Refill our inventory from the passed in product list into the record list |
restock | Refill a vending machine from a refill canister |
unbuild_inventory | Given a record list, go through and and return a list of type -> amount |
update_canister | Set up a refill canister that matches this machines products |
Var Details
No sales pitches if off
Unimplemented list of ads that are meant to show up somewhere, but don't.
If the vendor should tip on anyone who walks by. Mainly used for brand intelligence
How often slogans will be used by vendors if they're aggressive.
How often will the vendor tip when you walk by it when aggressive is true?
Should we always be able to deconstruct this into components, even if it has no refill_canister?
The category of this vendor. Used for announcing brand intelligence.
Factor of extra damage to deal when triggering a crit
Allows people to access a vendor that's normally access restricted.
can we access the hidden inventory?
blocks further flickering while true
do I look unpowered, even when powered?
How long to wait before resetting the warning cooldown
Icon to be an overlay over the base sprite
Icon for the broken overlay, defaults to icon_state + _broken
Icon_state when denying access
Icon for the lightmask, defaults to icon_state + _off, _lightmask if one is defined.
Icon for the off overlay, defaults to icon_state + _off
Icon for the panel overlay, defaults to icon_state + _panel
Icon_state when vending
the actual item inserted
boolean, whether this vending machine can accept people inserting items into it, used for coffee vendors
Last time the machine was punched
number of shards to apply when a crit embeds
If true, enforce access checks on customers. Disabled by messing with wires.
Shocks people like an airlock
Factor of extra damage to deal when you knock it over onto yourself
How often are we firing the items? (prob(...))
Fire items at customers! We're broken!
How hard are we firing the items?
If true, prevent saying sales pitches
List of slogans the vendor will say, optional
Amount of damage to deal when tipped
If this vending machine can be tipped or not
If this vendor is currently tipped
How long vendor takes to vend one item.
If off, vendor is busy and unusable until current action finishes
Proc Details
Build src.produdct_records from the products lists
src.products, src.contraband, src.premium, and src.prices allow specifying products that the vending machine is to carry without manually populating src.product_records.
Refill our inventory from the passed in product list into the record list
- productlist - list of types -> amount
- recordlist - existing record datums
Refill a vending machine from a refill canister
This takes the products from the refill canister and then fills the products,contraband and premium product categories
- canister - the vending canister we are refilling from
Given a record list, go through and and return a list of type -> amount
Set up a refill canister that matches this machines products
This is used when the machine is deconstructed, so the items aren't "lost"