Ore Redemption Machine 
Turns all the various mining machines into a single unit to speed up tmining and establish a point system.
Vars | |
anyone_claim | If TRUE, /obj/machinery/mineral/ore_redemption/var/req_access_claim is ignored and any ID may be used to claim points. |
files | Locally known R&D designs. |
inserted_disk | The currently inserted design disk. |
message_sent | Whether the message to relevant supply consoles was sent already or not for an ore dump. If FALSE, another will be sent. |
ore_buffer | List of ore yet to process. |
point_upgrade | Point multiplier applied when smelting ore. Updated by [/obj/machinery/proc/RefreshParts]. |
points | The number of unclaimed points. |
req_access_claim | The access number required to claim points from the machine. |
sheet_per_ore | Sheet multiplier applied when smelting ore. Updated by [/obj/machinery/proc/RefreshParts]. |
supply_consoles | List of supply console department names that can receive a notification about ore dumps. A list may be provided as entry value to only notify when specific ore is dumped. |
Procs | |
get_num_smeltable_alloy | Returns the amount of alloy sheets that can be produced from the given design. |
give_points | Adds a set number of mining points, based on the ore points, the ore amount, and the ORM upgrade state. |
on_material_insert | Called when an item is inserted manually as material. |
process_ores | Processes the given list of ores. |
send_console_message | Notifies all relevant supply consoles with the machine's contents. |
smelt_ore | Smelts the given stack of ore. |
Var Details
If TRUE, /obj/machinery/mineral/ore_redemption/var/req_access_claim is ignored and any ID may be used to claim points.
Locally known R&D designs.
The currently inserted design disk.
Whether the message to relevant supply consoles was sent already or not for an ore dump. If FALSE, another will be sent.
List of ore yet to process.
Point multiplier applied when smelting ore. Updated by [/obj/machinery/proc/RefreshParts].
The number of unclaimed points.
The access number required to claim points from the machine.
Sheet multiplier applied when smelting ore. Updated by [/obj/machinery/proc/RefreshParts].
List of supply console department names that can receive a notification about ore dumps. A list may be provided as entry value to only notify when specific ore is dumped.
Proc Details
Returns the amount of alloy sheets that can be produced from the given design.
- D - The smelting design.
Adds a set number of mining points, based on the ore points, the ore amount, and the ORM upgrade state.
- ore_path - The typepath of the inserted ore.
- ore_amount - The amount of ore which has been inserted.
Called when an item is inserted manually as material.
- inserted_type - The type of the inserted item.
- last_inserted_id - The ID of the last material to have been inserted.
- inserted - The amount of material inserted.
Processes the given list of ores.
- L - List of ores to process.
Notifies all relevant supply consoles with the machine's contents.
Smelts the given stack of ore.
- O - The ore stack to smelt.