Vars | |
authenticated | Whether the machine is "logged in" or not |
cooldown_time | After sending a message to CC/syndicate, cannot send another to them for this many deciseconds |
department | Our department, determines whether this machine gets faxes sent to a department |
destination | Target department to send outgoing faxes to |
long_range_enabled | Can we send messages off-station? |
scan | ID card inserted into the machine, used to log in with |
sendcooldown | Next world.time at which this fax machine can send a message to CC/syndicate |
syndie_restricted | If true, prevents fax machine from sending messages to NT machines |
Var Details
Whether the machine is "logged in" or not
After sending a message to CC/syndicate, cannot send another to them for this many deciseconds
Our department, determines whether this machine gets faxes sent to a department
Target department to send outgoing faxes to
Can we send messages off-station?
ID card inserted into the machine, used to log in with
Next world.time at which this fax machine can send a message to CC/syndicate
If true, prevents fax machine from sending messages to NT machines