Vars | |
aidisabled | Can silicons access this APC? |
apc_area | APC Area/Powernet vars the area that this APC is in |
areastring | the set string name of the area, used in naming the APC |
autoflag | settings variable for having the APC auto use certain power channel settings |
being_hijacked | Being hijacked by a pulse demon? |
cell | APC Cell Vars the cell type stored in this APC. APC uses cell energy capacity (kilojoules) |
cell_type | Base cell has a 2500 kJ capacity. Enter the path of a different cell you want to use. cell determines charge rates, max capacity, ect. These can also be changed with other APC vars, but isn't recommended to minimize the risk of accidental usage of dirty edited APCs |
chargecount | Counter var, ticks up when the APC receives power from terminal and resets to 0 when not charging, used for the var/charging var |
chargemode | If TRUE, the APC will automatically draw power from connect terminal, if FALSE it will not charge |
charging | The current charging mode of the APC: not charging, charging, fully charged |
constructed | Was this APC built instead of already existing? Used for malfhack to keep borgs from building apcs in space |
coverlocked | Is the APC cover locked? i.e cannot be opened? |
emergency_power | Used to determine if emergency lights should be on or off |
emp_proof | Are we immune to EMPS? |
environment_channel | The current setting for the environment channel |
equipment_channel | The current setting for the equipment channel |
hacked_by_ruin_AI | Are we hacked by a ruins malf AI? If so, it will act like a malf AI hacked APC, but silicons and malf AI's will not be able to interface with it. |
last_used_environment | amount of power used in the last cycle for environment channel (Watts) |
last_used_equipment | amount of power used in the last cycle for equipment channel (Watts) |
last_used_lighting | amount of power used in the last cycle for lighting channel (Watts) |
last_used_total | amount of power used in the last cycle in total (Watts) |
lighting_channel | APC Settings Vars The current setting for the lighting channel |
locked | Is the APC User Interface locked (prevents interaction)? Will not prevent silicons or admin observers from interacting |
longtermpower | A counter var used to help determine if the APC has not been charging long enough to justify not performing certain auto setting such as turning all channels back on |
main_status | The status of the terminals powernet that this APC is connected to: not connected, no power, or recieving power |
malfhack | APC Malf AI Vars |
opened | State of the APC Cover - Closed, Open, or Off |
operating | Is the APC on and transmitting power to enabled breakers? Think of this var as the master breaker for the APC |
shorted | Can the APC receive/transmit power? Determined by the condition of the 2 Main Power Wires |
start_charge | the percentage charge the internal battery will start with |
terminal | The power terminal connected to this APC |
update_state | APC Overlay Vars |
wires | APC Status Vars The wire panel associated with this APC |
Procs | |
autoset | |
check_ai_control_callback | Updates APC to AI accesible if AI Wire is mended |
check_main_power_callback | Updates APC to not be shorted if both main power wires are mended |
connect_to_network | Override because the APC does not directly connect to the network; it goes through a terminal. |
emp_act | |
get_cell | |
handle_shock_chance | Handles APC arc'ing every APC process interval |
overload_lighting | overload all the lights in this APC area |
process | What the APC will do every process interval, updates power settings and power changes depending on powernet state |
recharge_apc | If the APC has a cell, recharge it |
repair_apc | Repairs all wires, enables all breakers, and unshorts the APC |
set_broken | ************* --- APC Helper Procs --- Antag Abilities/Fun Stuff ************* --- set APC stat as broken and set it to be non operational, kick out an AI if there's a malf one in it |
set_nightshift | sets nightshift mode on for the APC |
togglelock | |
turn_emergency_power_off | turns off emergency power and sets each light to update |
Var Details
Can silicons access this APC?
APC Area/Powernet vars the area that this APC is in
the set string name of the area, used in naming the APC
settings variable for having the APC auto use certain power channel settings
Being hijacked by a pulse demon?
APC Cell Vars the cell type stored in this APC. APC uses cell energy capacity (kilojoules)
Base cell has a 2500 kJ capacity. Enter the path of a different cell you want to use. cell determines charge rates, max capacity, ect. These can also be changed with other APC vars, but isn't recommended to minimize the risk of accidental usage of dirty edited APCs
Counter var, ticks up when the APC receives power from terminal and resets to 0 when not charging, used for the var/charging
If TRUE, the APC will automatically draw power from connect terminal, if FALSE it will not charge
The current charging mode of the APC: not charging, charging, fully charged
Was this APC built instead of already existing? Used for malfhack to keep borgs from building apcs in space
Is the APC cover locked? i.e cannot be opened?
Used to determine if emergency lights should be on or off
Are we immune to EMPS?
The current setting for the environment channel
The current setting for the equipment channel
Are we hacked by a ruins malf AI? If so, it will act like a malf AI hacked APC, but silicons and malf AI's will not be able to interface with it.
amount of power used in the last cycle for environment channel (Watts)
amount of power used in the last cycle for equipment channel (Watts)
amount of power used in the last cycle for lighting channel (Watts)
amount of power used in the last cycle in total (Watts)
APC Settings Vars The current setting for the lighting channel
Is the APC User Interface locked (prevents interaction)? Will not prevent silicons or admin observers from interacting
A counter var used to help determine if the APC has not been charging long enough to justify not performing certain auto setting such as turning all channels back on
The status of the terminals powernet that this APC is connected to: not connected, no power, or recieving power
APC Malf AI Vars
State of the APC Cover - Closed, Open, or Off
Is the APC on and transmitting power to enabled breakers? Think of this var as the master breaker for the APC
Can the APC receive/transmit power? Determined by the condition of the 2 Main Power Wires
the percentage charge the internal battery will start with
The power terminal connected to this APC
APC Overlay Vars
APC Status Vars The wire panel associated with this APC
Proc Details
this proc is rather confusing at first glance, it handles apc power channel settings when trying to auto set values to it, good luck understanding how this works but I sure as hell don't
Updates APC to AI accesible if AI Wire is mended
Updates APC to not be shorted if both main power wires are mended
Override because the APC does not directly connect to the network; it goes through a terminal.
External Acts on the APCS
APC Power Procs
Handles APC arc'ing every APC process interval
overload all the lights in this APC area
What the APC will do every process interval, updates power settings and power changes depending on powernet state
If the APC has a cell, recharge it
Repairs all wires, enables all breakers, and unshorts the APC
************* --- APC Helper Procs --- Antag Abilities/Fun Stuff ************* --- set APC stat as broken and set it to be non operational, kick out an AI if there's a malf one in it
sets nightshift mode on for the APC
APC Settings
turns off emergency power and sets each light to update