Bluespace Harvester 
A station goal that consumes enormous amounts of power to generate (mostly fluff) rewards
A machine that takes power each tick, generates points based on it and lets you spend those points on rewards. A certain amount of points has to be generated for the station goal to count as completed.
Vars | |
active_nether_portals | When portal event triggers this will hold references to all portals so we can fix the sprite after they're broken |
actual_power_usage | How much power the machine needs per processing tick at the current level. |
auto_shutdown | Whether or not auto shutdown will engage when portals open |
clothing_interval | The point interval where the machine will automatically spawn a clothing item |
cultural_interval | The point interval where the machine will automatically spawn a cultural item |
desired_mining_power | The power you WANT the machine to use for mining. It will try to match this. (Watts) |
dirty | When a filth event triggers, this will stop the operation until it is cleaned |
food_interval | The point interval where the machine will automatically spawn a food item |
mined_points | Points mined this cycle |
mining_power | The amount of power being used for mining at the moment (Watts) |
motherlode_interval | The point interval where the machine will strike a motherlode |
organic_interval | The point interval where the machine will automatically spawn an organic item |
overhead | When event triggers this will hold references to all portals so we can fix the sprite after they're broken Amount of overhead in levels. Each level of overhead allows stabilizing 15+overhead. |
points | Available mining points |
product_list | list of possible products |
radio | Internal radio to handle announcements over engineering |
spawning | The amount of portals waiting to be spawned. Used mostly for UI and icon stuff. |
stabilizer_power | Amount of power the stabilizers consume (Watts) |
stabilizer_priority | Whether or not mining power will be prevented from exceedingn stabilizer power |
stabilizers | Whether or not stabilizers will engage to prevent or reduce the chance of portals opening |
total_points | The total points earned by this machine so far, for tracking station goal and highscore |
Procs | |
produce | Produces the product with the desired key and increases product cost accordingly |
produce_motherlode | Handles a motherlode - each product is spawned 5 times at both the machine and around the station |
set_power | Sets the desired mining power (Watts) |
Var Details
When portal event triggers this will hold references to all portals so we can fix the sprite after they're broken
How much power the machine needs per processing tick at the current level.
Whether or not auto shutdown will engage when portals open
The point interval where the machine will automatically spawn a clothing item
The point interval where the machine will automatically spawn a cultural item
The power you WANT the machine to use for mining. It will try to match this. (Watts)
When a filth event triggers, this will stop the operation until it is cleaned
The point interval where the machine will automatically spawn a food item
Points mined this cycle
The amount of power being used for mining at the moment (Watts)
The point interval where the machine will strike a motherlode
The point interval where the machine will automatically spawn an organic item
When event triggers this will hold references to all portals so we can fix the sprite after they're broken Amount of overhead in levels. Each level of overhead allows stabilizing 15+overhead.
Available mining points
list of possible products
Internal radio to handle announcements over engineering
The amount of portals waiting to be spawned. Used mostly for UI and icon stuff.
Amount of power the stabilizers consume (Watts)
Whether or not mining power will be prevented from exceedingn stabilizer power
Whether or not stabilizers will engage to prevent or reduce the chance of portals opening
The total points earned by this machine so far, for tracking station goal and highscore
Proc Details
Produces the product with the desired key and increases product cost accordingly
Handles a motherlode - each product is spawned 5 times at both the machine and around the station
Sets the desired mining power (Watts)
Sets the desired mining power, that the machine tries to reach if there is enough power for it. Note that it does NOT change the actual mining power directly. Arguments:
- t_power - The power we try to set it at, between 0 and max_level