Vars | |
capacity | The total capacity of the laser |
charge | Our current stored energy |
current_grid_load | The load we place on the power grid we are connected to |
firing | Are we attempting to fire the laser currently? |
input_attempt | Are we trying to provide power to the laser |
input_available | The amount of energy coming in from the inputs last tick |
input_number | Gives our power input when multiplied with power_format_multi. The multiplier signifies the units of power, and this is how many of them we are inputting. |
input_pulling | Our set input pulling |
inputting | Are we currently inputting power into the laser |
laser_effects | We need to create a list of all lasers we are creating so we can delete them in the end |
max_grid_load | Our max load we can set |
orbital_strike | Overlay that goes over the mob that gets beamed |
output_level | Amount of power we are outputting |
output_number | Gives our power output when multiplied with power_format_multi_output. The multiplier signifies the units of power, and this is how many of them we are outputting. |
power_format_multi | Signifies which unit we are using for output power. Used both in TGUI for formatting purposes and output power calculations. |
power_format_multi_output | Signifies which unit we are using for input power. Used both in TGUI for formatting purposes and input power calculations. |
range | How far we shoot the beam. If it isn't blocked it should go to the end of the z level. |
selling_energy | Are we selling the energy or just sending it into the ether |
target | Megafauna being targeted |
targetable_areas | Targetable areas in lavaland |
total_earnings | How many credits we have earned in total |
total_energy | How much energy have we sold in total (Joules) |
turned_on | Have we been switched on? |
unsent_earnings | The amount of money we haven't sent yet |
Procs | |
return_charge | Returns the charge level from [0 to 6] |
rotate | Rotates the laser if we have the space to do so. |
target | Target a megafauna in the mining base or its immediate vicinity |
untarget | Stop targeting a mob once it dies |
update_overlays | Appearance changes are here |
Var Details
The total capacity of the laser
Our current stored energy
The load we place on the power grid we are connected to
Are we attempting to fire the laser currently?
Are we trying to provide power to the laser
The amount of energy coming in from the inputs last tick
Gives our power input when multiplied with power_format_multi. The multiplier signifies the units of power, and this is how many of them we are inputting.
Our set input pulling
Are we currently inputting power into the laser
We need to create a list of all lasers we are creating so we can delete them in the end
Our max load we can set
Overlay that goes over the mob that gets beamed
Amount of power we are outputting
Gives our power output when multiplied with power_format_multi_output. The multiplier signifies the units of power, and this is how many of them we are outputting.
Signifies which unit we are using for output power. Used both in TGUI for formatting purposes and output power calculations.
Signifies which unit we are using for input power. Used both in TGUI for formatting purposes and input power calculations.
How far we shoot the beam. If it isn't blocked it should go to the end of the z level.
Are we selling the energy or just sending it into the ether
Megafauna being targeted
Targetable areas in lavaland
How many credits we have earned in total
How much energy have we sold in total (Joules)
Have we been switched on?
The amount of money we haven't sent yet
Proc Details
Returns the charge level from [0 to 6]
Rotates the laser if we have the space to do so.
Target a megafauna in the mining base or its immediate vicinity
Stop targeting a mob once it dies
Appearance changes are here