Vars | |
ViewMods | Was used to handle view modifications. Now only used for a mecha module. Please just edit the string in the future |
ViewModsActive | Stores the viewmod we set using this system. Only used for a mecha module |
ViewPreferedIconSize | Stores the icon size we use for skins. As the server has control freak enabled, this is always static |
active_keybindings | The client's active keybindings, depending on their active mob. |
admin_music_volume | Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT Admin music volume, from 0 to 1. |
byondacc_age | Days since the client's BYOND account was created |
byondacc_date | Date the client registered their BYOND account on |
click_intercept_time | Time when the click was intercepted |
completed_asset_jobs | List of all completed blocking send jobs awaiting acknowledgement by send_asset |
connection_time | world.time they connected |
cui_entries | List of the clients CUIs |
description_holders | Persistent storage for the flavour text of examined atoms. |
drag_details | The params we passed at the start of the drag, in list form |
drag_start | When we started the currently active drag |
fullscreen | The current fullscreen state for /client/toggle_fullscreen() |
input_data | Input datum, what the client is pressing. |
jbh | The client's job ban holder |
last_asset_job | The ID of the last asset job |
last_completed_asset_job | The ID of the last asset job that was properly finished |
last_discord_pm_time | Last world.time that a PM was send to discord by a player |
last_parallax_shift | Stored world.tim of the last parallax update. Used to make sure parallax isn't updated too often |
m5_uid_cache | Cache of MD5'd UIDs. This is to stop clients from poking at object UIDs and being exploity with them |
macro_sets | Basically a local variable on a client datum. Used when setting macros and nowhere else |
mouseParams | Used in MouseDrag to preserve the original mouse click parameters |
mouse_down_icon | Used to make a special mouse cursor, this one for mouse up icon |
mouse_location_UID | Used in MouseDrag to preserve the last mouse-entered location. |
mouse_object_UID | Used in MouseDrag to preserve the last mouse-entered object. |
mouse_override_icon | Used to override the mouse cursor so it doesnt get reset |
mouse_up_icon | Used to make a special mouse cursor, this one for mouse up icon |
moused_over | The client's currently moused over datum, limited to movable and stored as UID |
movement_kb_dirs | The client's movement keybindings to directions, which work regardless of modifiers. |
movingmob | Used with parallax to update the parallax offsets when the subsystem fires. Compared to the clients Eye variable |
next_mouse_macro_warning | Used to throw an admin warning if someone used a mouse macro. Also stores the world time so we can send funny noises to them |
obj_window | Our object window datum. It stores info about and handles behavior for the object tab |
pai_save | Client's pAI save |
panel_tabs | list of all tabs |
parallax_animate_timer | Handles how parallax loops in situations like shuttles leaving. Stores the timer that handles that |
parallax_layers | List of parallax layers a client is viewing. Accessed when paralax is updated |
parallax_layers_cached | A cached list of available parallax layers. This may potentially be changeable to a static variable. Updated upon changing parallax prefs |
parallax_layers_max | The amount of parallax layers that will exist on your screen. Affected by the parallax preference |
parallax_movedir | The direction parallax will be moved it. References parallax_move_direction on areas |
parallax_static_layers_tail | Added to parallax layers when parallax settings are changed |
parallax_throttle | Deciseconds of added delay to parallax by client preferences |
parent_type | Client is casted to /datum so that we're able to use datum variables, search for clients through datums, and not need to duplicate code for GCing |
previous_turf | Used with parallax to grab the offset needed. Uses the X and Y coords of the turf stored here |
received_discord_pm | Last world/time that a PM was sent to the player by an admin |
recent_examines | A lazy list of atoms we've examined in the last RECENT_EXAMINE_MAX_WINDOW (default 2) seconds, so that we will call /atom/proc/examine_more instead of [/atom/proc/examine] on them when examining A lazy list of atoms we've examined in the last RECENT_EXAMINE_MAX_WINDOW (default 2) seconds, so that we will call /atom/proc/examine_more instead of [/atom/proc/examine] on them when examining |
screen_maps | Used with the camera console to clear out the screen objects it adds to the client when the console is deleted |
seen_messages | Messages currently seen by this client |
selected_target | Autoclick list of two elements, first being the clicked thing, second being the parameters. |
sent_assets | List of all asset filenames sent to this client by the asset cache, along with their assoicated md5s |
show_verb_panel | hides the byond verb panel as we use our own custom version |
spell_tabs | list of tabs containing spells and abilities |
stat_panel | Stat panel window declaration, we don't usually allow this but tgui windows/panels are exceptions |
stat_tab | our current tab |
tgui_cache_reloaded | global |
tgui_panel | Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT |
tgui_say | Assigned say modal of the client |
tgui_windows | global |
topiclimiter | Used for limiting the rate of topic sends by the client to avoid abuse |
tos_consent | Has the client accepted the TOS about data collection and other stuff |
version_blocked | If true, client cannot ready up, late join, or observe. Used for players with EXTREMELY old byond versions. |
visual_delay | The visual delay to use for the current client.Move(), mostly used for making a client based move look like it came from some other slower source |
watchlisted | Is the client watchlisted |
Procs | |
Process_Grab | Process_Grab() Called by client/Move() Checks to see if you are being grabbed and if so attemps to break it |
Process_Incorpmove | Process_Incorpmove Called by client/Move() Allows mobs to run though walls |
_Topic | dumb workaround because byond doesnt seem to recognize the Topic() typepath for /datum/proc/Topic() from the client Topic, so we cant queue it without this |
admin_observe | Allow an admin to observe someone. mentors are allowed to use this verb while living, but with some stipulations: if they attempt to do anything that would stop their orbit, they will immediately be returned to their body. |
admin_observe_target | targeted form of admin_observe: this should only appear in the right-click menu. |
asset_cache_confirm_arrival | Process asset cache client topic calls for "asset_cache_confirm_arrival=[INT]" |
asset_cache_preload_data | Process asset cache client topic calls for "asset_cache_preload_data=[HTML+JSON_STRING] |
asset_cache_update_json | Updates the client side stored json file used to keep track of what assets the client has between restarts/reconnects. |
browse_queue_flush | Blocks until all currently sending browse and browse_rs assets have been sent. Due to byond limitations, this proc will sleep for 1 client round trip even if the client has no pending asset sends. This proc will return an untrue value if it had to return before confirming the send, such as timeout or the client going away. |
clear_all_maps | Clears all the maps of registered screen objects. |
clear_map | Clears the map of registered screen objects. |
close_popup | Closes a popup. |
create_popup | Creates a popup window with a basic map element in it, without any further initialization. |
display_job_bans | Lists all active jobbans for src client |
fix_tgui_panel | tgui panel / chat troubleshooting verb |
get_byond_account_date | Sets the clients BYOND date up properly |
handle_popup_close | When the popup closes in any way (player or proc call) it calls this. |
init_verbs | Compiles a full list of verbs and sends it to the browser |
maxview | Returns the biggest number from client.view so we can do easier maths |
on_stat_panel_message | Handles incoming messages from the stat-panel TGUI. |
register_map_obj | Registers screen obj with the client, which makes it visible on the assigned map, and becomes a part of the assigned map's lifecycle. |
retrieve_byondacc_data | Retrieves the BYOND accounts data from the BYOND servers |
set_macros | This proc sets the built in BYOND macros for keypresses to pass inputs on to the rebindable input system or the legacy system If you plan on ripping out the legacy system, see the set_macros() proc at the following commit: |
setup_popup | Create the popup, and get it ready for generic use by giving it a background. |
tgui_say_create_open_command | Creates a JSON encoded message to open TGUI say modals properly. |
timer_log | Opens a log of timers |
toggle_fullscreen | Handles fullscreen on the client. |
uiclose | verb |
uid_log | Opens a log of UIDs |
Var Details
Was used to handle view modifications. Now only used for a mecha module. Please just edit the string in the future
Stores the viewmod we set using this system. Only used for a mecha module
Stores the icon size we use for skins. As the server has control freak enabled, this is always static
The client's active keybindings, depending on their active mob.
Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT Admin music volume, from 0 to 1.
Days since the client's BYOND account was created
Date the client registered their BYOND account on
Time when the click was intercepted
List of all completed blocking send jobs awaiting acknowledgement by send_asset
world.time they connected
List of the clients CUIs
Persistent storage for the flavour text of examined atoms.
The params we passed at the start of the drag, in list form
When we started the currently active drag
The current fullscreen state for /client/toggle_fullscreen()
Input datum, what the client is pressing.
The client's job ban holder
The ID of the last asset job
The ID of the last asset job that was properly finished
Last world.time that a PM was send to discord by a player
Stored world.tim of the last parallax update. Used to make sure parallax isn't updated too often
Cache of MD5'd UIDs. This is to stop clients from poking at object UIDs and being exploity with them
Basically a local variable on a client datum. Used when setting macros and nowhere else
Used in MouseDrag to preserve the original mouse click parameters
Used to make a special mouse cursor, this one for mouse up icon
Used in MouseDrag to preserve the last mouse-entered location.
Used in MouseDrag to preserve the last mouse-entered object.
Used to override the mouse cursor so it doesnt get reset
Used to make a special mouse cursor, this one for mouse up icon
The client's currently moused over datum, limited to movable and stored as UID
The client's movement keybindings to directions, which work regardless of modifiers.
Used with parallax to update the parallax offsets when the subsystem fires. Compared to the clients Eye variable
Used to throw an admin warning if someone used a mouse macro. Also stores the world time so we can send funny noises to them
Our object window datum. It stores info about and handles behavior for the object tab
Client's pAI save
list of all tabs
Handles how parallax loops in situations like shuttles leaving. Stores the timer that handles that
List of parallax layers a client is viewing. Accessed when paralax is updated
A cached list of available parallax layers. This may potentially be changeable to a static variable. Updated upon changing parallax prefs
The amount of parallax layers that will exist on your screen. Affected by the parallax preference
The direction parallax will be moved it. References parallax_move_direction on areas
Added to parallax layers when parallax settings are changed
Deciseconds of added delay to parallax by client preferences
Client is casted to /datum so that we're able to use datum variables, search for clients through datums, and not need to duplicate code for GCing
Used with parallax to grab the offset needed. Uses the X and Y coords of the turf stored here
Last world/time that a PM was sent to the player by an admin
A lazy list of atoms we've examined in the last RECENT_EXAMINE_MAX_WINDOW (default 2) seconds, so that we will call /atom/proc/examine_more instead of [/atom/proc/examine] on them when examining A lazy list of atoms we've examined in the last RECENT_EXAMINE_MAX_WINDOW (default 2) seconds, so that we will call /atom/proc/examine_more instead of [/atom/proc/examine] on them when examining
Used with the camera console to clear out the screen objects it adds to the client when the console is deleted
Messages currently seen by this client
Autoclick list of two elements, first being the clicked thing, second being the parameters.
List of all asset filenames sent to this client by the asset cache, along with their assoicated md5s
hides the byond verb panel as we use our own custom version
list of tabs containing spells and abilities
Stat panel window declaration, we don't usually allow this but tgui windows/panels are exceptions
our current tab
TRUE if cache was reloaded by tgui dev server at least once.
Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Assigned say modal of the client
Tracks open windows for a user.
Used for limiting the rate of topic sends by the client to avoid abuse
Has the client accepted the TOS about data collection and other stuff
If true, client cannot ready up, late join, or observe. Used for players with EXTREMELY old byond versions.
The visual delay to use for the current client.Move(), mostly used for making a client based move look like it came from some other slower source
Is the client watchlisted
Proc Details
Process_Grab() Called by client/Move() Checks to see if you are being grabbed and if so attemps to break it
Process_Incorpmove Called by client/Move() Allows mobs to run though walls
dumb workaround because byond doesnt seem to recognize the Topic() typepath for /datum/proc/Topic() from the client Topic, so we cant queue it without this
Allow an admin to observe someone. mentors are allowed to use this verb while living, but with some stipulations: if they attempt to do anything that would stop their orbit, they will immediately be returned to their body.
targeted form of admin_observe: this should only appear in the right-click menu.
Process asset cache client topic calls for "asset_cache_confirm_arrival=[INT]"
Process asset cache client topic calls for "asset_cache_preload_data=[HTML+JSON_STRING]
Updates the client side stored json file used to keep track of what assets the client has between restarts/reconnects.
Blocks until all currently sending browse and browse_rs assets have been sent. Due to byond limitations, this proc will sleep for 1 client round trip even if the client has no pending asset sends. This proc will return an untrue value if it had to return before confirming the send, such as timeout or the client going away.
Clears all the maps of registered screen objects.
Clears the map of registered screen objects.
Not really needed most of the time, as the client's screen list gets reset on relog. any of the buttons are going to get caught by garbage collection anyway. they're effectively qdel'd.
Closes a popup.
Creates a popup window with a basic map element in it, without any further initialization.
Ratio is how many pixels by how many pixels (keep it simple).
Returns a map name.
Lists all active jobbans for src client
from_client_connection - If true, user will not receive any info in chat if they have no job bans, used when a player loads into to the lobby.
tgui panel / chat troubleshooting verb
Sets the clients BYOND date up properly
If the client does not have a saved BYOND account creation date, retrieve it from the website If they do have a saved date, use that from the DB, because this value will never change Arguments:
- notify - Do we notify admins of this new accounts date
When the popup closes in any way (player or proc call) it calls this.
Compiles a full list of verbs and sends it to the browser
Returns the biggest number from client.view so we can do easier maths
Handles incoming messages from the stat-panel TGUI.
Registers screen obj with the client, which makes it visible on the assigned map, and becomes a part of the assigned map's lifecycle.
Retrieves the BYOND accounts data from the BYOND servers
Makes a web request to to retrieve the details for the BYOND account associated with the clients ckey. Returns the data in a parsed, associative list
This proc sets the built in BYOND macros for keypresses to pass inputs on to the rebindable input system or the legacy system If you plan on ripping out the legacy system, see the set_macros() proc at the following commit:
Create the popup, and get it ready for generic use by giving it a background.
Width and height are multiplied by 64 by default.
Creates a JSON encoded message to open TGUI say modals properly.
Arguments: channel - The channel to open the modal in. Returns: string - A JSON encoded message to open the modal.
Opens a log of timers
In-round ability to view what has created a timer, and how many times a timer for that path has been created
Handles fullscreen on the client.
Called by UIs when they are closed. Must be a verb so winset() can call it.
required uiref ref The UI that was closed.
Opens a log of UIDs
In-round ability to view what has created a UID, and how many times a UID for that path has been declared