Vars | |
active_mutations | List of the active mutation types |
alerts | lazy list. contains /atom/movable/screen/alert only, On /mob so clientless mobs will throw alerts properly |
audio_emote_cd_status | Cooldown on audio effects from emotes. |
audio_emote_unintentional_cd_status | Cooldown on audio effects from unintentional emotes. |
blood_state | Weirdly named, effects how blood transfers onto objects |
bloody_feet | Assoc list for tracking how "bloody" a mobs feet are, used for creating bloody foot/shoeprints on turfs when moving |
bloody_hands | Makes items bloody if you touch them |
buckled | movable atoms buckled to this mob |
emote_cooldown_override | Override for cooldowns on non-audio emotes. Should be a number in deciseconds. |
emotes_used | Tracks last uses of emotes for cooldown purposes |
feet_blood_DNA | Basically a lazy list, copies the DNA of blood you step in |
feet_blood_color | affects the blood color of your feet, color taken from the blood you step in |
hand | True for left hand active, otherwise for right hand active |
health_hud_override | Overrides the health HUD element state if set. |
hud_type | The type of HUD that this mob uses. Not to |
hud_used | The instantiated version of the mob's hud. |
input_focus | The datum receiving keyboard input. parent mob by default. |
last_movement_dir | The direction they last moved |
last_typed | Last thing we typed in to the typing indicator, probably does not need to exist |
last_typed_time | Last time we typed something in to the typing popup |
memory | other mobs we wont move when we're grab pulled. Not empty only when being grab pulled |
next_click | This is mainly modified by click code, to modify click delays elsewhere, use next_move and changeNext_move(), Controls the click delay. Changed with |
next_click_adjust | Unused |
next_click_modifier | Unused |
next_move_adjust | Unused, used to adjust our next move on a linar skill world.time + (how_many_deciseconds + Next move adjust) = Next move |
next_move_modifier | Value to multiply action delays by, actually used world.time + (how_many_deciseconds * Next move Adjust) = Next move |
observers | List of observers currently observing us. |
open_uis | Tracks the open UIs that a mob has, used in TGUI for various things, such as updating UIs |
runechat_msg_location | A soft reference to the location where this mob's runechat message will appear. Uses UID() . |
s_active | Active storage container |
screens | Used for some screen objects |
sound_environment_override | Override for sound_environments. If this is set the user will always hear a specific type of reverb (Instead of the area defined reverb) |
speaks_ooc | Does this mob speak OOC? Controls whether they can say some symbols. |
stat | Is this mob alive, unconscious or dead? |
suiciding | Is our mob currently suiciding? Used for suicide code along with many different revival checks |
tgui_open_uis | global |
thinking | Affects if you have a thinking indicator |
typing | Affects if you have a typing indicator |
zone_selected | The zone this mob is currently targeting |
Procs | |
ForceContractDisease | Forces the mob to contract a virus. If the mob can have viruses. Ignores clothing and other protection Returns TRUE if it succeeds. False if it doesn't |
Process_Spacemove | Handles mob/living movement in space (or no gravity) |
adjust_nutrition | Adjust the nutrition of a mob |
become_mouse | Returns true if the player successfully becomes a mouse |
buckle_mob | Buckle to another mob |
can_block_magic | Checks to see if the mob can block magic |
can_buckle | can the mob be buckled to something by default? |
can_cast_magic | Checks to see if the mob can cast normal magic spells. |
can_resist | Can this mob resist (default FALSE) |
can_unbuckle | can the mob be unbuckled from something by default? |
can_use_audio_emote | Helper proc to determine if a mob can use emotes that make sound or not. |
can_use_clickbinds | Can this mob use keybinded click actions? (Altclick, Ctrlclick, ect) |
create_chat_message | Creates a message overlay at a defined location for a given speaker |
custom_emote | Perform a custom emote. |
drop_item_to_ground | Unequip target and drop it at our current location. |
emote | Send an emote. |
flash_screen_color | Flash up a color as an overlay on a player's screen, then fade back to normal. |
get_mob_buckling_height | returns the height in pixel the mob should have when buckled to another mob. |
get_spacemove_backup | Finds a target near a mob that is viable for pushing off when moving. Takes the intended movement direction as input, alongside if the context is checking if we're allowed to continue drifting |
get_telepathic_targets | Returns an assoc list which contains the mobs in range and their "visible" name. Mobs out of view but in range will be listed as unknown. Else they will have their visible name |
ghost_can_reenter | Checks if a mob's ghost can reenter their body or not. Used to check for DNR or AntagHUD. |
hide_other_mob_action_buttons | Hide another mob's action buttons from this mob |
is_holding | Check if an item is in one of our hands |
manual_emote | Allows the intrepid coder to send a basic emote Takes text as input, sends it out to those who need to know after some light parsing If you need something more complex, make it into a datum emote Arguments: |
on_block_magic_effects | Called whenever a magic effect with a charge cost is blocked and we haven't recently blocked magic. |
on_observing_action_granted | Signal proc for COMSIG_MOB_GRANTED_ACTION - If we're viewing another mob's action buttons, we need to update with any newly added buttons granted to the mob. |
on_observing_action_removed | Signal proc for COMSIG_MOB_REMOVED_ACTION - If we're viewing another mob's action buttons, we need to update with any removed buttons from the mob. |
pointed | Point at an atom |
post_buckle_mob | Call back post buckle to a mob to offset your visual height |
post_unbuckle_mob | Call back post unbuckle from a mob, (reset your visual height here) |
run_mode | proc version to finish /mob/verb/mode() execution. used in case the proc needs to be queued for the tick after its first called |
run_pointed | possibly delayed verb that finishes the pointing process starting in [/mob/verb/pointed()]. either called immediately or in the tick after pointed() was called, as per the [DEFAULT_QUEUE_OR_CALL_VERB()] macro |
run_quick_equip | proc extender of [/mob/verb/quick_equip] used to make the verb queuable if the server is overloaded |
say_understands | Checks if the mob can understand the other speaker |
set_invisible | Proc to PROPERLY set mob invisibility, huds gotta get set too! |
set_nutrition | Force set the mob nutrition |
set_thinking_indicator | Toggles the floating thought bubble above a players head. |
set_typing_indicator | Toggles the floating chat bubble above a players head. |
shared_ui_interaction | public |
show_other_mob_action_buttons | Show (most) of the another mob's action buttons to this mob |
show_rads | Show an overlay of radiation levels on radioactive objects. |
shuttleRotate | Turf rotate procs |
special_get_hands_check | Specal proc for special mobs that use "hands" in weird ways |
start_audio_emote_cooldown | Start the cooldown for an emote that plays audio. |
throw_alert | Proc to create or update an alert. Returns the alert if the alert is new or updated, 0 if it was thrown already. Each mob may only have one alert per category. |
transfer_item_to | Unequip target and relocate it to destination . |
unequip | Unequip target without relocating it. |
unequip_to | Central proc for unequipping items. Cannot be called but can be overridden so long as default arg values are preserved. Use /mob/proc/unequip, /mob/proc/drop_item_to_ground, or /mob/proc/transfer_item_to instead. |
update_runechat_msg_location | Updates the mob's runechat maptext display location. |
usable_emote_keys | Get a list of all emote keys usable by the current mob. |
Var Details
List of the active mutation types
lazy list. contains /atom/movable/screen/alert only, On /mob so clientless mobs will throw alerts properly
Cooldown on audio effects from emotes.
Cooldown on audio effects from unintentional emotes.
Weirdly named, effects how blood transfers onto objects
Assoc list for tracking how "bloody" a mobs feet are, used for creating bloody foot/shoeprints on turfs when moving
Makes items bloody if you touch them
movable atoms buckled to this mob
Override for cooldowns on non-audio emotes. Should be a number in deciseconds.
Tracks last uses of emotes for cooldown purposes
Basically a lazy list, copies the DNA of blood you step in
affects the blood color of your feet, color taken from the blood you step in
True for left hand active, otherwise for right hand active
Overrides the health HUD element state if set.
The type of HUD that this mob uses. Not to
The instantiated version of the mob's hud.
The datum receiving keyboard input. parent mob by default.
The direction they last moved
Last thing we typed in to the typing indicator, probably does not need to exist
Last time we typed something in to the typing popup
other mobs we wont move when we're grab pulled. Not empty only when being grab pulled
This is mainly modified by click code, to modify click delays elsewhere, use next_move and changeNext_move(), Controls the click delay. Changed with
Unused, used to adjust our next move on a linar skill world.time + (how_many_deciseconds + Next move adjust) = Next move
Value to multiply action delays by, actually used world.time + (how_many_deciseconds * Next move Adjust) = Next move
List of observers currently observing us.
Tracks the open UIs that a mob has, used in TGUI for various things, such as updating UIs
A soft reference to the location where this mob's runechat message will appear. Uses UID()
Active storage container
Used for some screen objects
Override for sound_environments. If this is set the user will always hear a specific type of reverb (Instead of the area defined reverb)
Does this mob speak OOC? Controls whether they can say some symbols.
Is this mob alive, unconscious or dead?
Is our mob currently suiciding? Used for suicide code along with many different revival checks
Tracks open UIs for a user.
Affects if you have a thinking indicator
Affects if you have a typing indicator
The zone this mob is currently targeting
Proc Details
Forces the mob to contract a virus. If the mob can have viruses. Ignores clothing and other protection Returns TRUE if it succeeds. False if it doesn't
- D - the disease the mob will try to contract
- respect_carrier - if set to TRUE will not ignore the disease carrier flag
- notify_ghosts - will notify ghosts of infection if set to TRUE
Handles mob/living movement in space (or no gravity)
Called by /client/Move()
return TRUE for movement or FALSE for none
Adjust the nutrition of a mob
Returns true if the player successfully becomes a mouse
Buckle to another mob
You can buckle on mobs if you're next to them since most are dense
Turns you to face the other mob too
Checks to see if the mob can block magic
- casted_magic_flags (optional) A bitfield with the types of magic resistance being checked (see flags at: /datum/component/anti_magic)
- charge_cost (optional) The cost of charge to block a spell that will be subtracted from the protection used
can the mob be buckled to something by default?
Checks to see if the mob can cast normal magic spells.
- magic_flags (optional) A bitfield with the type of magic being cast (see flags at: /datum/component/anti_magic)
Can this mob resist (default FALSE)
can the mob be unbuckled from something by default?
Helper proc to determine if a mob can use emotes that make sound or not.
Can this mob use keybinded click actions? (Altclick, Ctrlclick, ect)
Creates a message overlay at a defined location for a given speaker
- speaker - The atom who is saying this message
- raw_message - The text content of the message
- italics - Vacuum and other things
- size - Size of the message
- symbol - The symbol type of the message
Perform a custom emote.
- m_type: Type of message to send.
- message: Content of the message. If none is provided, the user will be prompted to choose the input.
- intentional: Whether or not the user intendeded to perform the emote.
Unequip target
and drop it at our current location.
Returns FALSE
if the unequip failed, and target
if it succeeded. Returns
if there is no target to drop. If the caller cares about handling the
resultant dropped object, they are responsible for ensuring that the thing
actually exists. This is to ensure that the return value is meaningful and that
a nonexistant item being unequipped and returning null is not interpreted as
a failure.
However, if you don't care about the return value, feel free to pass in possibly nonexistant objects, such as when dropping anything in a slot for a spell/virus that replaces existing clothing.
Send an emote.
- emote_key: Key of the emote being triggered
- m_type: Type of the emote, like EMOTE_AUDIBLE. If this is not null, the default type of the emote will be overridden.
- message: Custom parameter for the emote. This should be used if you want to pass something like a target programmatically.
- intentional: Whether or not the emote was deliberately triggered by the mob. If true, it's forced, which skips some checks when calling the emote.
- force_silence: If true, unusable/nonexistent emotes will not notify the user.
Flash up a color as an overlay on a player's screen, then fade back to normal.
- flash_color - The color to overlay on the screen.
- flash_time - The time it takes for the color to fade back to normal.
returns the height in pixel the mob should have when buckled to another mob.
Finds a target near a mob that is viable for pushing off when moving. Takes the intended movement direction as input, alongside if the context is checking if we're allowed to continue drifting
Returns an assoc list which contains the mobs in range and their "visible" name. Mobs out of view but in range will be listed as unknown. Else they will have their visible name
Checks if a mob's ghost can reenter their body or not. Used to check for DNR or AntagHUD.
Returns FALSE if there is a ghost, and it can't reenter the body. Returns TRUE otherwise.
Hide another mob's action buttons from this mob
Used for observers viewing another mob's screen
Check if an item is in one of our hands
Allows the intrepid coder to send a basic emote Takes text as input, sends it out to those who need to know after some light parsing If you need something more complex, make it into a datum emote Arguments:
- text - The text to send out
Returns TRUE if it was able to run the emote, FALSE otherwise.
Called whenever a magic effect with a charge cost is blocked and we haven't recently blocked magic.
Signal proc for COMSIG_MOB_GRANTED_ACTION - If we're viewing another mob's action buttons, we need to update with any newly added buttons granted to the mob.
Signal proc for COMSIG_MOB_REMOVED_ACTION - If we're viewing another mob's action buttons, we need to update with any removed buttons from the mob.
Point at an atom
mob verbs are faster than object verbs. See this byond forum post for why this isn't atom/verb/pointed()
note: ghosts can point, this is intended
visible_message will handle invisibility properly
overridden here and in /mob/dead/observer for different point span classes and sanity checks
Call back post buckle to a mob to offset your visual height
Call back post unbuckle from a mob, (reset your visual height here)
proc version to finish /mob/verb/mode() execution. used in case the proc needs to be queued for the tick after its first called
possibly delayed verb that finishes the pointing process starting in [/mob/verb/pointed()]. either called immediately or in the tick after pointed() was called, as per the [DEFAULT_QUEUE_OR_CALL_VERB()] macro
proc extender of [/mob/verb/quick_equip] used to make the verb queuable if the server is overloaded
Checks if the mob can understand the other speaker
If it return FALSE, then the message will have some letters replaced with stars from the heard message
Proc to PROPERLY set mob invisibility, huds gotta get set too!
Force set the mob nutrition
Toggles the floating thought bubble above a players head.
- state - Should a thought bubble be shown or hidden
Toggles the floating chat bubble above a players head.
- state - Should a chat bubble be shown or hidden
- me - Is the bubble being caused by the 'me' emote command
Standard interaction/sanity checks. Different mob types may have overrides.
return UI_state The state of the UI.
Show (most) of the another mob's action buttons to this mob
Used for observers viewing another mob's screen
Show an overlay of radiation levels on radioactive objects.
Turf rotate procs
Mob rotate procs
Specal proc for special mobs that use "hands" in weird ways
Start the cooldown for an emote that plays audio.
- intentional - Whether or not the user deliberately triggered this emote.
- cooldown - The amount of time that should be waited before any other audio emote can fire.
Proc to create or update an alert. Returns the alert if the alert is new or updated, 0 if it was thrown already. Each mob may only have one alert per category.
- category - a text string corresponding to what type of alert it is
- type - a type path of the actual alert type to throw
- severity - is an optional number that will be placed at the end of the icon_state for this alert For example, high pressure's icon_state is "highpressure" and can be serverity 1 or 2 to get "highpressure1" or "highpressure2"
- obj/new_master - optional argument. Sets the alert's icon state to "template" in the ui_style icons with the master as an overlay. Clicks are forwarded to master
- no_anim - whether the alert should play a small sliding animation when created on the player's screen
- icon_override - makes it so the alert is not replaced until cleared by a clear_alert with clear_override, and it's used for hallucinations.
- list/alert_args - a list of arguments to pass to the alert when creating it
Unequip target
and relocate it to destination
Returns FALSE
if the transfer failed for any reason, and TRUE
if it succeeded.
Unequip target
without relocating it.
Returns FALSE
if the transfer failed for any reason, and TRUE
if it succeeded.
A destination cannot be specified; you must either forceMove
or qdel
If you intend to qdel
it immediately, it is not necessary to call this;
[/obj/item/proc/Destroy] will perform the necessary unequipping.
Central proc for unequipping items. Cannot be called but can be overridden so long as default arg values are preserved. Use /mob/proc/unequip, /mob/proc/drop_item_to_ground, or /mob/proc/transfer_item_to instead.
: The object to unequip.destination
: The location the object should be unequipped to, if applicable.force
: OverrideNODROP
for things like wizarditis and admin undress.silent
: Whether the unequip should play a sound.drop_inventory
: Whether items in the dropped item's slots (such as uniform pockets) should be dropped.no_move
: Whether we should attempt to move the item todestination
or expect the caller to.
Updates the mob's runechat maptext display location.
By default, we set this to the src mob's UID()
Get a list of all emote keys usable by the current mob.
- intentional_use: Whether or not to check based on if the action was intentional.